Επιστροφή στην αρχική σελίδα

It is the planet closest to the Sun. It is larger than the Moon and bears a lot of resemblance to it such as primordial impact craters found throughout its surface and an almost inexistent atmosphere.

Average distance from the Sun: 57.9 million km
Distance from Earth: Minimum 91.7 million km, Maximum 218.9 million km
Mass: 0.055 times the mass of Earth
Diameter: 4,879 km
Day duration: 59 earth days Year duration: 88 earth days
Temperature: Minimum -180ο Celsius, Maximum 430ο Celsius Atmosphere: Very thin (sulphur and potassium)
Surface gravity:
(If on Earth you weigh 70kg, on Mercury's surface you would weigh 27 kg)